A poetry gallery to soothe the soul, inspire your dreams and heal your wounds. A mix of reading and listening to poetic gifts written by Elaine Longworth and Charlotte Story.
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© 2021 Poetry Warriors. All Rights Reserved.
Poetic inspiration, a divine embrace, a whisper of the soul, love of the creator for His children, angelic feathers, all appear in a streaming flow of love.
I try to write when I feel a certain calling, a feeling, a need to catch that silent voice that whispers love, endlessly. How beautiful it is, to pierce the heart, for it to be broken, for it to be slowly and delicately put back together. This divine love is so incredible.
These “Divine Love Notes” are for all who open their hearts and minds and surrender to the love of Source, Universe, God, Creator, or other name that call to you. You can receive your own Postcards. You have direct access, you do not need an intercessor. Perhaps a poet can express the magic, the love, the intensity and wonder. I just got called to share my poetic gifts.
Be delighted, be moved, be inspired, be made strong, be comforted.
This is the time to lean into God. He is in every breath.
Love speaks in many ways. Seek silence and solitude to receive His whispers.
God wishes to embrace you
God shapes us into His instrument of peace and love.
We are Divine beings having a human experience. Claim your power. Nurture connection to Source.
Echoes of a kind heart reach Heaven
It is a wonderful feeling to have nature on your side.
When I think of nature, I am instantly drawn to the trees, because I love the strength and shelter that they provide. I love how soothing they are, how they gently sway in the breeze…
When I was little, I believed that every tree had a voice and if you were patient and kind enough, they would talk to you. I would give every tree a name and I would talk and talk to them for hours on end, grateful to be surrounded by these beautiful saplings and so incredibly eager to hear their wonderful, wise voices.
Nature will always be perfect to me and I know that I will be forever awed by its enchanting beauty and the benevolence that it provides. I am grateful for the mindset that this wonderful botanical haven has given me and I am thankful for all the memories I have made of it.
On most days, I will often take my camera and venture outside. I love to go anywhere that is tranquil and full of ambience because that is where I feel most in tune with the world. When I find these places, it is like nature is listening to me, knowing exactly what I need.
Aside from being wrapped up in all its breath taking scenery, nature is also filled with therapeutic properties. Have you ever wondered why we raise our faces to the sky? Or why do we breathe it all in, unaware that we have a smile on our face? Why do we always feel so calm and relaxed outside? I believe it is because our souls are connecting with Earth, listening out for its voice, like I would listen out for those of the trees.
All of nature is mystical, powerful and beneficial to our souls and while we learn from it and relish in it, we heal from it at the same time. All you need to do is take those calming breaths.
Written by Charlotte
Finding inner peace in nature
Divine Love speaks through the awe and wonder of nature. Listen as your heart flutters.
Source speaks in many ways.
Nature has much to teach humanity about love
The simple joy of walking in nature, lightens our hearts.
Enthralled by Autumn colours, embraced by love
Nature has a special gift of connecting us to our inner child.
Healing can encourage good things and can help to unravel all the unwanted thoughts of your mind. It can cure your heart and put your soul at peace. When allowing yourself to heal, you begin to appreciate the person that you are and in doing so, you can overcome great barriers.
For some, healing can take courage, but for others, healing is a necessity. In this life, we should always find the strength to treat it as such. You should never feel guilty for dedicating time to yourself, nor should you ever feel the need to rush your process. After all, we were not put on this Earth to be the same. We were put on this Earth to explore what makes us different.
Whether you need an hour, a day, a week or longer, the time that you grace yourself with is nobody else’s business but your own. Like a flower, we all need to make sure we feed ourselves the right things that will help us to grow and stand strong. As we grow and prosper, we need to know what is beneficial not only to our hearts, but to the sound of our minds as well.
When we heal, it is not only our physical scars that are being tended to, but it is also the inner workings of our minds, for every thought, memory and emotion is so intricately woven within us, that we have a duty to make peace with ourselves so that we can understand who we are and what we need in order to bloom once again.
A journey of healing and stepping out to the path of our dreams.
Courage speaks to the heart.
It is an aspect of your divine essence knocking on your door, reminding you of your true nature. You are strong! You are eternal! You are Divine! You are a peaceful warrior! You can do this!
Whatever challenge arises, you will move through it. I cannot tell you that you will win each challenge. Yet, I can say without a doubt that challenges make us grow.
Courage can be needed in defining moments. In those experiences, where we must rise in response to imminent danger or threat, or where we are the ones called upon to rescue another. We hear amazing stories of people who have risked their own lives to save a loved one, or even a complete stranger.
Courage has it’s own power! Call upon it!
Sometimes, courage asks us to walk seemingly alone, like a lone wolf. It takes courage to call out corruption or to take on a culture where bullying appears to be acceptable. Sometimes, we must make a stand, not just for ourselves, but others who follow us. At times, it can feel we need to call upon courage day after day, until the battle is over.
Courage is so inspiring! We cannot fail to be moved by individuals who have shown great courage.
This year of 2020 we need courage every day. We are bombarded right now with messages filled with fear. Fear is a means to control others. Look beyond the fear. Have the strength to question the narrative. Being strong, feeling positive when everything appears to be falling apart, carries us through these times.
Hello courage! I see you!
Just as the title suggests, gratitude is a very powerful thing. Gratitude can help us to acknowledge and appreciate how benevolent life is because it can turn what we have into so much more than we need. Gratitude helps us to calm our minds in stressful situations, so that when we look to each of our tomorrows, we will be able to do so with a much lighter heart.
Gratitude is something that we all need in order to grow because by letting gratitude into our lives, we are able to enjoy and enhance it just a little bit more. It isn’t a weakness to be thankful for what we have, nor is it a weakness to accept when you are struggling because only then can you truly find your courage and strength. Only then, can you spread your wings and fly!
When you let gratitude into your life, you will begin to feel such a beautiful relief wash over you. You will begin to feel proud of what you have achieved and you will be able to look to others and be proud of what they have achieved too. Once you begin to feel all that, life will no longer be a competition, but a journey of self-discovery, growth, and wellbeing. It will be a journey so great, that all you will ever be thinking about is the gratitude that you have for yourself and for the path you have chosen to walk on.
Written by Charlotte
A beautiful poetic outpouring for the love of mother earth.
A poetic outpouring of appreciation for nature.
As beautiful as nature itself.
A poetic outpouring on Counting our Blessings
Appreciating the beauty of Cherry Blossoms
The journey to the soul can be made up of many things and as divine beings of this Earth, it is our most sacred charge to follow and nurture its path.
We are intricate and seraphic beings made from a rather complex kind of cloth with a celestial thread. We can be plentiful, honest, hardworking, creative, solitary. We can be shy, outgoing, adventurous, cautious. We can be curious, independent, inspiring. We can be all of these things and more because we know that there is so much more to us that just our physical body.
All we have to do is listen to the heavenly voices within us. Notice how they often carry and guide us in our dreams? Notice how they always keep you safe? Notice how we always find our way back? It is only our souls that can bring us back to the familiar plains because our souls are nothing but love. I truly believe in my heart that they are the angels that reside within us as we walk our chosen paths. As we walk our soul journey.
We are not alone. We are all angels at heart and we can communicate in ways that have long been forgotten. Maybe one day, we will rediscover how…
Written by Charlotte
A light bulb moment on awakening to our true nature.
A personal experience of divine visions
A poem of awakening, revealing more layers of an infinite love.
Divine love resides in nature
Energy for creation
You are powerfully creative. Your divine energy can create a beautiful wave of love.
A powerful poetic affirmation
With determination, write your bold & beautiful story.
Divine Love can be felt. It is a most moving & beautiful experience.
We are one with life, connected far beyond what we can imagine.
What the world needs now, is love, sweet love!
We are not taught that our true nature is eternal. The truth of humanity is kept hidden for we are truly powerful when we each discover our inner truths.
One truth that blinds us with the power of its light, is that of Source, God, universal life energy. Everything is of this light, this Divine Love. We can begin to see into this wave of light and bathe in the presence of Divine Love.
Oh yes! We are love! Wake up and discover your breath taking inner beautiful light. Shine it!
Let the players and the powers that be, play their games, until we tire of them. That time is now.
Humanity is awakening! See our expressions of compassion and kindness everywhere. The darkness fades as the light of our love bathes the earth and universal consciousness.
Discover your own capacity to love. You will find it is endless and all embracing.
We are beings of love and light, this is our true nature.
A single thought, ignited by love, will ignite the hearts of many others.
Hugs connect us and delight our hearts. Let’s hug!
Diving into an infinite pool of divine love
Our true nature is of love, we are loved by God
A heart filled with love is a masterpiece
Love is the answer
We are living in the grandest of times! It may appear to be the opposite, as we move through the challenges of 2020!
What the heck is really going on? I suggest you listen well to your instinct. Please do your own research. Set off on a personal journey of discovering your own true self. Spend time in nature. Spend time in personal reflection.
I wrote a collection of poems “First Light of a New Dawn” from a deep desire to see so much more love, joy, unity, peace, abundance and an awareness of our divine nature. At that time, I had no idea that the Age of Aquarius is about to bring a new dawn for humanity. My soul, a higher aspect of myself was letting me know that humanity is at the dawn of a new era!
Although, this year is certainly unsettling, I am ever hopeful for new grander beginnings. I can sense the changes in nature, I am seeing beautiful colours and such wonderful connections with animals.
Something amazing is un-folding before our very eyes! Don’t give up! Keep holding on! We are only a tiny step from tremendous new beginnings. Freedom, joy, connection, abundance and so much love awaits us.
Do yourself a huge favour. Switch off the news! it is just a fear narrative! Be free of fear!
Open your heart to the possibility that we actually live in a loving universe. Know that divine love is moving in many wondrous ways to free humanity and to embrace us with so much love our hearts will simply overflow! Nothing can stop what is coming!
A New Dawn - A New Era
A poetic outpouring of our ascension
Soul whispers praying for God to paint the sky, so that the hearts of humanity awaken to His love.
There are light warriors here beating the drum of our awakening.
An invitation from divine love.
An invitation from God
We are weaving new stories
We are free falling into the arms of God.
We are Children of First Light - generations to create huge waves of positive change bathed in the eternal light of our Heavenly Father / Mother God.
When we bathe in “First Light”, there are wonderful new experiences to behold.
We are giving birth to a new reality.
You are a child of God
Spread your wings and fly!
You are gifted, so be lifted!
Giving thanks for our favourite things.
Give someone you know a hug!
Appreciating nature
All will pass. All shall heal.
You can help to create a beautiful world, just with the power of your imagination!